Friday, April 11, 2014

Volvo Developing A New Method To Keep Cars 

Connected On The Road 

What if, in the future, cars could talk to one another and warn each other of potential road hazards? Swedish car manufacturer,
 Volvo, is working on just such a system that can bring us closer to the future of interconnected cars and safer roads.The initiative for cars to share certain information via the cloud has been announced by Volvo along with the Swedish Transportation Administration and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The system would use the experiences of one car that is ahead in the road and share it with other cars approaching the hazard so they are not caught by surprise.

 For example, cars could share information about traction in real-time and inform other cars on the road about slippery conditions.If the traction control system in a car experiences a loss in traction at some point in the road, it transmits data to Volvo’s database via a mobile network. Cars behind the first vehicle are then informed of a slippery surface up ahead and its location so they can either slow down or avoid the route completely. At times, it is that little bit of data that can make a difference between getting to your destination safely or a major accident.

This information can also be sent to local transportation administration offices and highway authorities, so they can take appropriate measures to remove the obstacle or potential threat. This new system provides a huge opportunity for the improvement of roads and cars to automakers and governments alike. With it, driving in even the most challenging conditions can become much safer and safe countless lives.

8 Hacks That Every Gmail User Should Know

Everyone uses email to communicate both on a professional and personal platform, and many people use Gmail for this purpose. Whether you use Gmail already or are thinking about signing up for an account, check out these amazing tricks that will save you time and make it a lot easier to perform tasks that have become essential in today’s world.

1. Customize your Gmail with a theme

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A little obvious for some, but exciting for others. To set the theme of your Gmail account, simply go to the settings cog, click on “Themes”, go to “Custom Themes” and there you can choose what color you want your emails and font to be as well as set any one of online themes. You can also set your own by going to “Select a Background Image”.

2. How to use Stars

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There is a wide range of star options. Go to Settings and go to “star”. You can choose various settings from the list that shows up. This will let you even color code if you’re really into organization.

3. Inbox count in your browser

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Go to Settings, click on “Labs” and scroll down to the “Unread Message Icon”. Enable and save the setting and this will allow a small number to show up on your Gmail tab so you can operate other tabs and know how many new mails you have at a glance.

4. Faster loading

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By switching over to basic mode, you can load the page without Java Script, which will take less time. Simply add “/?ui=html” to the end of your URL when opening Gmail. This will limit the functions that you can use as compared to the conventional Gmail.

5. Pre-typed responses

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If you send emails with the same sentence, you can save them and have them just a click away. Go to Settings, click on the Labs tab and enable the “Canned Responses” option. When composing a new email there should be a small arrow on the bottom right corner of the message box, which will reveal the list once clicked.

6. Search attachments

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If you’re looking for files that you may have sent or received in your emails, just add “has:attachment” when typing the file name in the search box.

7. Unsend sent messages

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This option is sure to save a lot people from embarrassing moments. The “Undo Send” option can be enabled from the Labs section in the Settings menu. Once you send a message, a yellow bar appears on top and asks if you want to “Undo” or “View Message” for 30 seconds. Clicking “Undo” will change the message into a draft again.

8. Keyboard shortcuts

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These shortcuts will make it a lot easier to manage you email while both composing and reading.

Festo Creates A Fully Automated Robotic Kangaroo

Robotics is surely progressing exponentially; from robots that could just move around, today we have plethora of robots capable of doing a myriad of tasks. For those of you who are into robotics, the name Festo won’t sound new. For those of you who don’t know, this is the company that owns a bionic zoo, so to speak!The zoo includes a number of robotic animals and the recent feat that has been pulled off by this company is a Bionic Kangaroo, which is capable of storing energy during the landing phase of jump and then makes use of this stored energy in the subsequent jumps.


Why is it such a big deal? Because this concept can be used to come up with more energy efficient machines in future.Let’s dive into the mechanics behind Bionic Kangaroo and see how it works; the robot comes equipped with actuators which are pneumatic in nature and provide the robot the necessary jumping power while also working as a shock absorber when the kangaroo lands.
 The required air, is provided by a compressor or alternatively, from a high pressure storage device on board. Balancing and accurately positioning the robot (hip movements and tail joints) is done via electric motors. Rechargeable lithium polymer batteries are the source for all the electrical components present within Bionic Kangaroo.The Bionic Kangaroo weighs about 15 pounds and comes with stable, yet powerful mechanical jumping capability, which is constantly monitored by a control system that has been embedded into the robot. The robot is capable of jumping 0.8 meters horizontally and about 0.4 meters vertically while relying on an elastic spring which is made of rubber. 
This artificial tendon works to provide a buffer to the jump and absorbs the kinetic energy when the Bionic Kangaroo lands. Just before the first jump takes place, the tendon is tensed pneumatically and the robot tilts when the centre of gravity is being shifted. After achieving the required tilt angle, the kangaroo’s tendon is released and it jumps up. Until the landing happens, a number of things are happening; the robot’s legs are thrust forward, the tail is lifted and the control system ensures that the robot’s jump is optimized.But all that is just a fraction of sheer awesomeness; the real stuff happens when the Bionic Kangaroo makes its landing.
 The kinetic energy is converted into potential energy that can be stored and is then used for the next jump. By employing the use of this potential energy in subsequent jumps, the Bionic Kangaroo is capable of executing a number of consecutive jumps without expending enough energy.The key purpose behind this feat is the company’s approach of learning from nature and then imparting that knowledge into the field of robotics and automation. 
This has proven to be a success with the company’s Bionic Seagull being used for wind energy harvesting system. The research that has been carried out on Bionic Kangaroo has led to development of systems that are capable of capturing, storing and making use of that energy. Bionic Kangaroo will be displayed to public at the Hannover Messe Trade Show later this week. 

Check out the video below for more details:

Land Rover Unveils A See-Through Bonnet That Let’s You See The Road Underneath

Creating an actual see-through hood is something no automaker is willing to do, but what if you could see what’s going on underneath your car? Land Rover has used augmented reality to create a transparent hood that will provide a better driving experience.With only a week left till the New York International Auto Show, Land Rover has unveiled this new technology and are calling it Transparent Bonnet.
 The hood of the concept is not transparent at all, but appears to be with a mixture of crafty camera placement and virtual reality.In the demonstration video, Land Rover has equipped the SUV with a wide-angle camera situated in the camera’s grill. The camera view starts where the driver’s view ends and goes from front and below the grill to beneath the engine and between the two front wheels.The most amazing part, however, is the heads-up display which projects the car’s data such as speed and clearance onto the windshield. 
The Transparent Bonnet technology projects the output from the camera onto the windshield, and is perfectly positioned so as to give the car a semi-transparent look. The driver is able to see both the road below and the orientation of the front wheels.This technology could greatly help drivers when they are going off-road, such as climbing a steep incline or maneuvering in a confined space. At the moment the Transparent Bonnet is just a concept and Land Rover has not given any details about when it will be available in the market.

New Bike Helmet Inflates When It Detects A Fall And Will Save More Lives

Owing to the advancement being made in science and technology and the level of research being carried out, we are witnessing many previous ideas and items being phased out as more effective practices and efficient gadgets are making their way into the consumer market. 
This article also covers one such daily use item; helmet that bikers or cyclists use.Hövding is a Swedish company and it has claimed that the recent airbag helmet that they have introduced is more than just a fashion accessory and is far safer when compared to the conventional bike helmet.A number of studies were carried out to come up with this unusual helmet that surpasses the regular helmet in safety. According to Hövding, the conventional helmets only comply with European regulations whereas the helmet by Hövding is three times safer when compared with the conventional helmet.
The company goes on to state that by using their product, the chance of a fatal head injury drops to almost zero. Hövding is surely confident about its helmet because it has even stated that if new standards were set using Hövding’s helmet, all the current helmets would be discarded immediately.The gadget is composed of nylon fabric and designed just like a hood. Owing to the fact that it is made of nylon fabric, it does not rip even when it comes in contact with the ground. The helmet in question is able to cover larger area of the user’s head when compared with a regular helmet and hence, provides more protection to the user.
 The ‘air’ so as to speak, which inflates it is basically helium and once inflated, the pressure remains constant for a couple of seconds that allows it to withstand a number of impacts.The hurdle in opting for this helmet is the price tag which it comes with; $500 and the second downside is the fact that it can only be used once. However, this price seems quite appropriate when you bring into the consideration the safety, which this helmet imparts to the user.

Check out the video below for more detailsThe Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten

New Smartphone By TAG Heuer Comes With Infinite Power Reserve

The TAG Heuer Meridiist Infinite is a phone that will allow it’s user to roam freely without worrying about finding a power outlet once the battery starts to run low. This does not mean that the “perpetual power reserve” will mean never having to charge the phone again, but what users can expect is that the phone will stay alive in standby mode even when the battery is at its end.
The Meridiist Infinite can maintain its low power level at standby until you have access to a wall outlet. It does this by converting ambient light into power that helps it run. That ambient light being anything from sunlight to a fluorescent bulb.The amazing capability of the phone is made possible by an invisible photovoltaic component sandwiched between a lens substrate and a sapphire crystal panel. 
The charging is automatic, without the user having to change the settings or even press a button. The exterior of the phone is made of titanium grade 5, carbon and rubber and TAG Heuer will only be making 1911 models.The luxury handset is set for release in July of this year, but specs are scarcely available.The phone will have a 2.4-inch display, along with a 5 megapixel rear camera, dual SIM capabilities and an internal storage of 8 GB.Although the price tag of the phone remains to be confirmed, rumors have speculated that it will cost over £3,000.
 The phone is certainly shrouded in mystery, but maybe that’s because TAG Heuer doesn’t want it’s rare handset’s features and abilities to be known to everyone. 

Poland’s New Battle Tank Features An Invisibility Cloak That Hides It From Enemy Forces

Military’s interest has shifted for sure when it comes to new weapon systems nowadays. We have witnessed a liking for drones and how they are being funded. In fact, we have covered quite a few posts over here at our blog. However, one cannot deny that the strength which a tank imparts to a ground fighting force is unparalleled when compared with drones

. The tank’s firepower is enormous and well, terrifying. However, the stealth and precision of a drone is what has had it favoured over the past few years, but with this latest research, the tanks might be making their move to take on drones.Poland has developed a tank, which is capable of hiding in plain sight while still being fully capable of causing the damage to enemies. The tank is known as PL-01 and comes with a 120 mm primary gun, two turrets which qualify as secondary weapon.
 Along with these, it also has a coaxial 7.62 machine gun and a weapon station which is remote controlled and located on its roof. In short the tank is capable of taking out targets anywhere on the battlefield.So why is this tank such a big deal? Grab onto your hats folks; this tank comes with a radar and thermal camouflage system, which means that the three person crew will be safe while they attack and re-position themselves away from enemy fire.
 The infrared camouflage system is made up of hexagonal plates and is capable of taking heat readings from tank’s surrounding area and then alters the PL-01 heat signature to match that of its environment and hence, the tank simply disappears for those attackers, which are relying on infrared to locate the target; such as drones and missiles. 
This also allows for variable heat signatures to be adapted, hence rendering the tank as an average car evenThe first fully functional prototype is expected to be completed by 2016 and after successful testing of this prototype, the PL-01 will start coming off the assembly lines. According to our speculations; that will happen at the end of this decade hopefully.However, how feasible or useful this advancement is, still remains to be seen.
Check out the video on this tank for for information:The invisible tank PL-01 unveiled.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Skateboard Allows You To Defy Gravity And Fly in Air

We all were amazed when saw a skateboard that could defy gravity in the famous movie trilogy; ‘Back to the Future’ ! However, as is the case with most science fiction stuff, we probably thought that it’s only going to be something which we can watch in movies only. However, Science is here to make things go in our favour.
Today’s article is about a hover board that is actually capable of defying gravity and can allow you to float. Although this is still a prototype, the board known as HUVr has quite some hopes pinned to it from its team as is apparent from their statement; ‘This is clearly a new frontier for science and we are excited and honoured to share this first chapter with the world.’
This gadget started off as a mere summer project at the MIT Physics Graduate Program back in 2010. However, it has managed to land itself a secure footing and launch itself into the next level by becoming one of the most adventurous and exciting gadgets to have come from MIT. (The last one being the high powered Lithium-ion batteries which were the brainchild of Yet-Ming Chiang and came out in 2001).  The HUVr comprises of experts from various fields that includes electricity, materials science and magnetism. The combination of these expertises has allowed the team to manage a breakthrough and to understand the concept of antigravity and to implement it as well.

The ultimate goal of the team is to come up with a gadget with enhanced efficiency, improved speed and better sustainability to cater for mass transportation. However, the team has used a smart move to fund the ongoing research and development by marketing the prototype and gathering investors who are willing to spend money on this brilliant idea.

Check out the video demonstration of this skateboard: HUVr

Reinvented Fork Changes The Taste Of Anything You Eat To Your Liking

So you are cooking something and everything is going just perfect and the dish looks great – time for the final test – and oh no; you forgot to add that particular ingredient and now, the dish is ruined. All those who like to play in kitchen have experienced this moment once in their lifetime and it is not a good experience at all.However, thanks to this gadget, you can add any flavour that you forgot to put in your food during cooking!
 The gadget comes from inventors in Canada and the key idea is simple; the gadget makes use of aroma to lead people into believing that they are actually tasting the flavoursThe gadget is being called; ‘The Metal Aroma Fork’ and comes with a package of 21 flavours that include vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, mint and almond. Other flavours, which can be used to stir things up include cilantro, smoke, truffle, jalapeno and what not.

The working principle is to make use of aroma in liquid form that has been placed just underneath the fork’s handle. It is then allowed to be soaked through blotting paper, a small circle of it, and is then allowed to be released slowly while the owner enjoys the meal.

The user of AromaFork, however, has to impart taste each time by employing a dropper and will be required to place a blotting paper piece in place. Jonathan Coutu is the president of MOLECULE-R Flavors, A Canadian inventor’s firm, and according to him; ‘The initial idea was to reinvent the traditional fork into an improved utensil that would trick people’s mind by liberating an intense flow of aromas. It will become the perfect educational tool to learn how to better appreciate food.’

check this link  AROMAFORK