Friday, February 28, 2014

Boeing Unveils A New Phone That Destroys Itself When Someone Trys To Violate Its Security

If there was ever a phone fit for James Bond in the real world, it would be Boeing’s new mobile phone. The smartphone has an amazing feature, which is, that it self-destructs if tampered with or if someone trys to violate its security. The phone has been named “Black”Boeing’s counsel Bruce Olcott said that the phone “will be sold primarily to government agencies and companies engaged in contractual activities with those agencies that are related to defense and homeland security.
 The device will be marketed and sold in a manner that low-level technical and operational information about the product will not be provided to the general public.”A self-destructing phone is probably the last thing anyone would expect from a company that builds airplanes. But Boeing’s Android smartphone is here and apparently it will only be sold to government agencies. The phone doesn’t self-destruct in the same way as most gadgets do in the movies, it simply erases all the data and the software on the phone. Though there have been hard drives and microchips that can do this, it is the first time that this feature is available on something that is used on a daily basis.The phone has Dual SIM cards, a removable battery, WiFi, Bluetooth and can operate on GSM, WCDMA and LTE networks. That’s pretty much the only specifications that has been released about this conservative phone. All that matter is that it’s called Black and it’s a phone that shouldn’t be messed with.

HTC’s Upcoming Smartphone Will Have Dual Lens Camera To Take 3D Pictures

Leaked images of HTC’s upcoming M8 have shown a smartphone with a dual-lens camera (shown below). The camera is rumored to have features that exceed the usual expectation of 3D imaging.Corephotonics is a company which has made a dual-lens camera concept for smartphones (though they do not work for HTC). The main reason why the dual-lens camera is so amazing is the fact that each of the two lenses has a different focal length. One of the lenses is wide-angle, while the other is at 3x zoom. This allows people to take pictures of distant objects without using digital zoom (which distorts picture quality).A test setup involved taking a picture of a card set a fixed distance both from a traditional smartphone camera lens and the new dual-lens concept.
 The system developed by Corephotonics always gave a clear 13 megapixel image regardless of 1x or 3x zoom. Nokia’s famous PureView cameras also rely on digital zoom, due to which a 3x magnified picture results in a drastic drop of quality down to only 5 megapixelsThe dual-lens concept also has advantages in video recording as it provides a smoother zoom by using a mix of digital zoom and lens-switching. Another benefit is that low-light performance can be improved by adding separate sensors to each lens. The dedicated software for the dual-lens camera has also been developed by Corephotonics and works in real-time to match corresponding pixels from each lens.
 The lens then uses scene analysis to recognize which pixel is closer to reality. This produces a clearer image.The most amazing advantage, though, is the fact that the dual-lens provides a degree of depth analysis much like a 3D image. This provides extra control over images, such as automatically blurring out the background in portrait shots, quicker autofocus and augmented reality.With benefits like these, it makes sense why HTC would want to introduce such a camera in their upcoming M8 model. Let’s just hope that this technology will be in the reach of tech geeks when it is released to the masses, because with so many advantages, the price for such a device is sure to be high.

New Injection Filled With Sponges Stops Bleeding From Bullet Wounds In Seconds

Soldiers caught in a firefight might find a syringe filled with sponges to be completely useless, but the truth is that it can save their lives. With the new XStat Syringe, developed by RevMedx, soldiers with life-threatening bullet wounds can be treated in a matter of seconds.While tourniquets are currently useful for injuries to extremities, wounds to the pelvic or shoulder regions are more lethal and more difficult to handle. Currently, stuffing gauze is the best approach, but this is painful, messy, imprecise and also ineffective (reason why the technique isn’t approved by the FDA) . The people at RevMedx, after being inspired by the use of expanding foam to patch up tires and walls, decided to use sponges as a way to stop the bleeding from a bullet wound. Since foam wouldn’t work, they tested ordinary sink sponges and stuffed them into wounded pigs after cutting them up into pieces. The approach worked and the team received a $5 million development contract from the US Army.With the proper funds in place, the first goal of the team was the refinement of the sponges (since ordinary sink sponges weren’t that appropriate for humans).
 The solution was simple and each sponge was made from wooden fibers, coated in with a coagulant derived from shrimp and compressed to a quarter of its original volume. Once inside the wound, the pressure from the expanding sponges and the effect of the coagulant stopped the blood flow.The method to insert the sponges was another challenge for which the developers sought the help of a design firm, Ziba. They came up with a syringe that had a tip made of grooved silicon to allow the syringe to reach deeper wounds. The syringe was designed to allow for easy one-handed use, which is essential in the battlefield. The only problem is the removal of the sponges, which is currently being worked on. At the moment, the sponges are marked with a blue, radiopaque threads which make it easy to catch any strays left in the wound. The injections were tested on more live pigs and the results have been submitted to the FDA. Once approved, the syringes will be available at a price of $100 each.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

This New Gadget Makes Your Candles Last Almost Forever

In life, the only certain thing is death. Be it human or non-human, we know everything deceases. However, when it comes to certain items, we would rather have a way to re-use them. Take for instance, a candle.How does it work? When you burn it, the wax gets melted and goes to waste. While the process is quite amazing to look at, but the issue remains; the wax is not reusable once it gets melted. Well that was a problem until yesterday since Benjamin Shine has come up with a solution in the form of ‘Rekindle’. The idea is simple; save the wax and use it again rather than letting it go to waste Rekindle is basically a candlestick with a twist; the candlestick comes attached to a well which is hollow and works as a collector of melting wax.
 The wax that melts drips into this well and keeps getting accumulated. A new wick is already placed in the hollow cylinder and once the wax is collected, your new candle is ready to be used.Although, the new candle may require you to exhaust a number of candles but still, it allows for you to make use of the waste coming from one candle. The collecting vessel is transparent so you have more than just the melting of wax to look at,  You can spend some time looking at how the new candle is formed from wax that would have gone to waste otherwise.There are a number of patents pending for ‘Rekindle’ and the gadget is available in anodized aluminum, stainless steel and porcelain.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

PillCam Is A New Endoscopy Camera That You Can Swallow

Medical field has by far, benefited the most from advancement in science and technology and is continuing to do so. Conventional methods are being phased out and more non-invasive techniques are being introduced which allow for better treatment and are more efficient and reliable.Colonoscopy is a bowel examination procedure for patients . The technique involves inserting a endoscope via rectum and then the bowel is inspected. The endoscope, for those of you who do not know, is a long and thin camera.As you may very well imagine, the procedure is not a walk in the park and is very uncomfortable for the patient. However, despite being such a pain in the butt (pun intended), the procedure is usually inconclusive and the doctors have to resort to other methods, which involve invasive techniques. According to statistics, 750,000 colonoscopies in US are not successful each year. Out of these 750,000, most of the patients are female and the unsuccessful procedures can be blamed on previous pelvic surgeries or difficulty in navigation.Apart from the invasive techniques, which are usually the last resort, the patient may have to undergo CT scan or X-ray so that the examination is effective. At the end, the patient has spent quite a lot and has been exposed to some risky stuff as well.
 This is where the new technology comes in which has already been approved by US Food and Drug Administration. The gadget is known as PillCam Colon and can provide with somewhat similar image results as are collected from a successful colonoscopy. The gadget is essentially a camera which is the size of a pill and has to be swallowed in order for it to do its thing. The gadget then finds its way through the gastrointestinal tract of the patient.The gadget has been basically created for use in examination of colon cancer and is already commercially available in 80 countries. FDA’s decision has been based on the gadget’s capability of identifying hyper-plastic polyps and adenomas which are at least 6 mm in size. In technical terms; a 69% positive agreement was found between PillCam Colon and a colonoscopy whereas the negative agreement turned out to be 81%. PillCam Colon, in essence, is a video camera which is the size of a pill and measures about 0.47” x 1.3”. The gadget is capable of capturing video from its ends at 4 or 35 frames per second. To ensure that enough lighting is present, an LED has been provided which allows for a well lit image to be captured. The gadget, once swollen, is capable of transmitting footage to a external device which records the video and is worn by the patient for approximately 10 hours.CEO of US patient advocacy and support organization Colon Cancer Alliance, Eric Hargis, reported about the increase of number in people who are getting examined for colon cancer and said; ‘We have made tremendous strides in increasing the number of people who are getting screened for colon cancer, starting at age 50 for the average risk individual.’ He further talked about how colonoscopy is not the best option available and said; ‘Colonoscopy is the most comprehensive option, but for up to 10 percent of individuals, achieving a complete colonoscopy may not be possible. For those individuals, PillCam Colon capsule endoscopy could be an effective option to allow their gastroenterologist to complete a colon examination

New LED Light For Bicycles Is So Awesome That Every Cyclist Will Want It For Sure

People who use bicycles as their mode of everyday transportation know the difficulties of cycling at night. It is hard to spot curbs, potholes and other imperfections in the road in the darkness of night. Traditional headlamps cast shadows over both convex and concave obstacles making it hard for the cyclist to judge if it is a dangerous obstruction which could cause him to fall and get hurt. But a team of researchers from the Sichuan University in China may have developed a solution to the problem that most cyclists face at night.The Lumigrid is an LED light that acts as a headlamp and not only illuminates your path but also lets you judge the nature of obstacles.
 The squares of the grid bend and change in a way which makes it easy for the rider to process the nature of the obstacle. The projector has three settings which changes the size of the grid depending on riding conditions. Normal mode displays a grid of 5.5 x 7.1 inches, the high speed mode increases the area of the light to 5.5 x 10.2 inches to allow riders to see further ahead and the team mode widens the area to 11.8 x 7.9 inches to allow visibility for more than one cyclist.The light also alerts cars and pedestrians of the oncoming cyclists just like a traditional headlamp. The device can be powered by battery or the movement of the bicycle’s wheels. A single switch would allow users to turn the lamp on or off and switch between the three modes. Currently, it is not confirmed whether the Lumigrid will ever be produced commercially, but the team that developed it has received the Red Dot Design Award in 2012 which proves that the idea is worthwhile. The Lumigrid would certainly be a must-have item for every cyclist if it goes into production. Fingers Crossed!

RYNO Motorcycle Has Only One Wheel But Drives Better Than Your Everyday Motorcycle

The formula for the motorcycle has remained unchanged for many years, and rightfully so. There are fewer things that compare to travelling down the road completely exposed to the elements and feeling at one with the vehicle you’re travelling on. But Chris Hoffman decided to change the recipe for the motorcycle of the future.Instead of adding something to the design, Hoffman removed one wheel from the conventional design. Hoffman’s one-wheeled RYNO motorcycle may be the next great thing in the history of motorcycles. The RYNO is currently a prototype which took seven years to complete and was inspired by a video game that Hoffman’s daughter was playing. The one-wheeled, zero emissions motorcycle uses technology similar to, but more advanced than, the Segway.The single wheeled motorcycle will go into production soon (hopefully this year), with a price tag of $5,295. The production facility will be based in Portland, Oregon and Hoffman’s team is aiming to set up dealerships across the US, so potential customers can try the one-wheeled marvel themselves before buying one.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Best Gadgets of 2013


Cambridge Audio Minx 200

Rarely do you come across a wireless speaker capable of handling both Airplay and Bluetooth, along with booming bass extension and stellar mid-range. Cambridge Audio’s sound blaster accomplishes it all and packs everything into a clean-designed enclosure that speaks to luxury home audio enthusiasts. The Minx Air 200 flaunts dual 2.25-inch BMR (Balanced Mode Radiator) drivers and a 6.5-inch sub, both mated with a class-D amp that cranks 200W of noise. Bump it at max volume and see if the cops don't come knockin' at the crib.

Trakdot Luggage Tracker

 Ever had your bags sent to the other side of the world or incompetently misplaced by an airline? Frequent flyers can breathe easy as the Trakdot serves as a LoJack for luggage—monitoring baggage through the use of cellular technology instead of GPS. The palm-sized tracker slips into any back pack or large suitcase and sends alerts via accompanying app, email, SMS, or company website. It even shoots notifications for when your bag hits the claim carousel. Insecure types might want to secretly hide these in the back of their chicks whips. Just sayin’.

 VIZIO M-Series 80-Inch Razor LED Smart TV

A visually stunning 80-inch HDTV priced lower than five grand seems inconceivable these days. Vizio chose to go against the grain, equipping its new M-Series Smart TV with premium features, 3D capability, and enhanced LED edge lighting all for $1,000 less. The set expands on Vizio’s Smart TV ecosystem by providing improvements such as prompt set-up and a full collection of popular multimedia apps: including Amazon Instant Video, FacebookHuluPlusNetfix3DGO!, and many more. Throw in its ultramodern design with sleek bezel frame, you're lookin at the best $5,000 a sports junkie could invest in at the moment.

Mophie iPhone 5 Juice Pack Plus

The reigning king of smartphone charging cases takes battery performance on the iPhone 5 to another level with the Juice Pack Plus. Supporting a 2100 mAh cell efficient enough to produce 120% extra vitality, Mophie’s new charger can generate up to 10 hours of LTE usage and nearly 50 hours of audio playback, securing Apple’s next-gen mobile in a stylishly durable jacket.

Microsoft Surface Pro

With desktops slowly dying out, the PC convertible market continues to grow vastly and Microsoft’s tablet/laptop hybrid is leading the brigade. The Surface Pro expands on the patented elements that made the R/T version a success, while integrating stronger specs and improved multi-touch technology into the mix. An Intel Core i5 Ivy Bridge CPU with HD Graphics 4000 and 128GB SSD make room for ultrabook-like performance, plus the Pro’s innovative Touch Cover promotes accurate touch feedback that you won’t find on most competitors.

Apple iPod with Retina Display

Despite the lack of rear camera and memory capacity, Apple’s managed to improve its portable media player for the better by squeezing in a faster processor, enhanced FaceTime camera, and gorgeous 4-inch Retina Display into a lighter package. Apple also includes a pair of its signature EarPods headphones for good measure.

Samsung S9 Ultra HD 85-Inch TV

Sammy unveiled its 85-inch beast at CES 2013 and left the audience awestruck over its industrial design, phenomenal ultra hi-def picture quality, and yes, astronomical MSRP. The ginormous panel exhibits 4K technology, a new format billed to make your current HD TV look like grandpa’s hand me down, displaying 4,000 pixels wide across the entire screen to deliver the most refined viewing experience. It also boasts three-way 2.2 channels of 120-watt sound, quad-core processing, and gesture/voice control. Hope you saved that income tax towards a layaway.

Bowers and Wilkins Z2

B&W made a name for itself when introducing the world to its ultra-modern Zepplin Air sound dock. Now the luxury audio brand’s made the decision to go with a more compact form factor for its latest Airplay speaker, one bearing a seamlessly unobtrusive mold that sits beautifully in any private home setting and outputs implausibly rich sound. The sexy Z2 accomplishes both feats and more. One can only expect clear wireless audio and resonant bass levels to blast through the 20 watt-per-channel stereo amp and 3.5-inch full range drivers. This little beauty knows how to bring the noise in elegant fashion.

Samsung Galaxy S4

The most powerful phone ever built. The most feature-filled mobile of all time. Sammy’s next-gen Galaxy can lay claim to both titles. Powered by Qualcomm’s dominating 1.9GHz Snapdragon quad-core, the Galaxy S4 breezes through multimedia and multitasking duties with the device generating champion benchmarks that no Apple, HTC, or LG phone has yet to achieve thus far. You don’t have to revisit the commercials to know the GS4’s biggest selling point is its touch-free features like the Air Gesture and View options, though you’d be foolish to ignore some of the other notable specs like its vibrant 5-inch FHD Super Model display and Dual Camera mode. And with Jay-Z’s new Magna Carta Holy Grail album exclusively available for download to the first 1 million Galaxy users via app, all the more reason to use up that upgrade before the fourth of July.

Google Glass

Momentarily limited to the developer crowd, Google’s computing eyewear is slowly progressing into the game-changer we all imagined it would become upon launch. The Android-based smart glasses known as Google Glass pushes the boundaries of wearable technology by allowing owners to perform actions such as answer emails, take pictures, and translate text hands-free—all viewable on a micro-display. The steep price hasn’t stopped many from garnering interest in the hi-tech specs. Plus Google’s commitment to enhancing its mobile OS platform only shows Google Glass’ true potential as we head into the future.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Future is Cheap
With oil over a $100 a barrel and some analysts predicting it’ll go as high as $300, it is easy to think that the future will be more expensive than today. I, however, have a decidedly different take on the future, I believe it is going to be cheap—very cheap.
For example, today’s Wall Street Journal is reporting that there is already a price war breaking out in the nascent space-tourism business. You might recall that Charles Simonyi and Iranian-billionaire, Anousheh Ansari, both flew into space in 2007 for an estimated $23 million. Now XCOR Areospace is hoping to fly passengers into space for a mere $100,000. As space flight technology continues to improve and the industry achieves some economies of scale that figure should drop even more.
On another front, Applied Bioscience recently reported that it sequenced the genome of a Nigerian man for $60,000. It was only a few years ago that Craig Venter sequenced his genome at a cost of $70 million and, last year, James Watson spent $2 million sequencing his genome. In the not-so-distant future, there is an excellent chance we will all have our genomes sequenced for less than $1000.
I have also written before about nanotechnology’s ability to transform the diamond industry. If company’s such as Apollo Diamond and Gemesis are already growing two-carat diamonds for less than $100, it is not hard to envision how the price of diamonds might continue to drop as ever more equipment comes online and as the public begins to better understand the environmental and humanitarian benefits of man-made diamonds. (To wit, the earth is not being ripped up and no human labor is exploited in the creation of synthetic diamonds.)
Lastly, and on a slightly more practical note, I’d like to bring to your attention this article fromTechCrunch. It profiles Redfin a new real-estate company that is cutting out the real estate agent. The article reports that, on average, the company is saving home buyers in Seattle and San Francisco over $15,000.
If you’re building a new home, don’t despair because you could also see your costs drop in the future – especially if robotic technology such as this plays out and robots are able to build homes.

As technology continues to progress on an accelerating basis and advances in nanotechnology, robotics and information sciences continue to squeeze out market inefficiencies, the prices of a great many products should drop substantially.


Twenty years ago, almost the entire population of Earth didn’t know what a gadget was, nor the amount of happiness it can bring in the lines of teenagers. Nowadays, it is a very common word between internet enthusiasts, but of course, there still are many people that don’t know what we’re talking about when we refer to a gadget.Ok. What is the gadget, actually? This term is a recent invented word that refers to a device that has a purpose and a well defined function for everyday use. The gadgets concepts have a widespread area that includes MP3 players, PDAs, smart-phones, tablets, among others. To put it simple: an electronic object. But it is not necessarily a physical object. On the internet or, more simple, on the average computer system you’re likely to find… what do you think?! A gadget. In this case, it stands for software or for a software module, tool or service that can be added to a higher platform. Example: Google Desktop, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Gnome are environments that accept some types of gadgets, adding functionality to the desktop computer. Believe it or not, the gadgets tend to have a social status, in addition to its traditional one. This appears when dealing with high-priced technology. To the extent that relate mostly the latest technology devices come with often high prices. The term Gadget is in reference to a technology product for a few, but it’s used generically when it comes to software. It is impossible to deny, that we are now well and truly in the digital age. Resistance is futile. Ambitious, if slightly extraordinary concepts in films such as Torn, Blade Runner, Back to the Future and more recently I, Robot, gave us a ‘glimpse’ of what the future may hold, but how far away are we really from witnessing the ideas of these over-stimulated directors come to fruition? Unfortunately, we are still some way off being able to pop to the shop on a Marty Muffle Mattel hover board, but that is not for the want of trying. Many designs and prototypes have been made, but none have come close to reproducing the experience depicted in the film. The idea of human-built robots uprising and attempting to overthrow their creators is nothing new, and the Japanese are currently leading the way in designing and building eerily life-like robots, but the threat of a rebellion is about as likely as a DeLorean actually traveling back to the Future. So what gadgets are readily available to us? To first understand this, we must consider how they have come about. Consumerism and the modern way of living have demanded that our gadgets operate in a certain way, as the following are expected of them:
1. Information/Labour-saver – A gadget must either make menial tasks easier, or provide us with information.
2. Efficiency – Speaks for itself.
3. Speed – If it is going to take longer than doing it the old fashioned way, then what is the point?
4. Compactness/Mobility – No gadget can really honor that title if it does not at least have a mobile counterpart.
5. Looks – It needs to look cool, futuristic, and mysterious!
The key, which has already been mentioned, is digital. Watches were digitalized, then along came the internet, then radio and TV were given the digital treatment. I really hope that after this small article you’ll have a better understanding of this object that tends to invade out everyday life, but of course, for the better.
so below is a list of the gadgets that can truly claim to have changed our lives or the way we interact with our environment and other people.  

Digital Camera




Sky + HD / Tivo


Samsung Galaxy Tab

3D Digital TV